Pediatric Tooth Extraction- Causes, Procedure & Aftercare

Tooth Extraction  

Pediatric tooth extractions are surgical removals of primary teeth. When a child’s tooth becomes damaged due to injuries, severe tooth decay, or infections, extractions become necessary.

It is the most common dental procedure for children. It includes the removal of a primary tooth from the socket in the alveolar bone.  Most children lose their milk teeth naturally.

This helps the permanent teeth to come out on their own. Sometimes external help is required to take out primary teeth when they are badly decayed. 


Causes Of Tooth Extraction:   

  1. Tooth Decay: Baby teeth or primary teeth are more prone to decay. Children do not regularly follow dental health practices. The enamel on baby teeth or primary teeth is thinner making it prone to cavities and decay.

  2. Trauma To Teeth:  Injuries make primary teeth chipped, and cracked. Sometimes teeth get completely detached from the socket due to trauma. Depending upon the severity of the damage extraction is recommended.

  3. Over-Retained Baby Tooth: Sometimes primary teeth do not fall out naturally. It remains in their place for a long time. This makes permanent teeth crowding due to a lack of space. To avoid these problems and further complications tooth extraction is always advisable.

  4. For Orthodontic Treatment: Many times extraction of a tooth helps to reduce crowding of permanent teeth. This helps the orthodontist to carry out necessary treatments or procedures like aligning misaligned teeth.


5 Steps OF  Tooth Extraction :

  1. X-ray: Firstly x-ray of the tooth and mouth will be taken. This shows the positions of teeth roots, and surrounding bone structures.  It helps the doctor to analyze the overall situation. It also predicts risks and complications of the future.

  2. Local Anesthesia: Local anesthesia is administered before extraction to numb the area. The child does not feel any pain during the treatment. It makes the procedure go safely and smoothly. In cases of children with a fear of needles or high anxiety levels, sedatives can be combined with anesthesia. The effects last for a few hours.

  3. Tooth Removal: Once the anesthesia is administered, the tooth is removed with the help of tiny tools and instruments. The dentist makes sure to save the surrounding bone structure.

  4. Stitches: Once extraction is done the tooth socket is covered with sterile gauze to stop bleeding. Then pressure is applied for about 20 minutes to make sure bleeding has stopped. Stitches may also be necessary in all cases.

  5. Space Maintainer: It is an orthodontic device used to prevent the migration of adjacent teeth into the socket. It is placed to ensure the child’s adult tooth grows correctly once the primary molar is removed. This spacer ensures a sufficient amount of space present for the eruption of a permanent tooth.  

Note – Mild to moderate pain and sometimes fever may occur after tooth extraction. It takes a few days to return to normal life. Parents must follow the dentist’s aftercare tips to help their children in reducing pain and symptoms.

Aftercare Tips : 

  1. Medications – Anti-inflammatory pain medications prescribed by the Doctor to reduce pain after surgery and speed up recovery. Anti-pyritic drugs can be taken to control fever. Antibiotics can be prescribed in special circumstances.

  2. Ice Packs – Ice massage over the outside area of the jaw helps reduce inflammation and pain. Immediately it helps in relaxing the jaw and cheek muscles. It also speeds up the healing process by relaxing gums.

  3. Soft Foods – Completely boiled and cooked food is advisable post-extraction. No hard food items like chips, popcorn, etc. are allowed for a week. Soft food for a few days post-surgery increases comfort to chew. It becomes easy to eat. Items like cooked vegetables, mashed potatoes, and smoothies are highly recommended.

  4. Avoid use of Straws – Avoid usage of straws for drinking or spitting vigorously for about a week post-op. The pressure of sucking actions from straw can dislodge the blood clot from the tooth extraction site.  



Park Dental Clinic, Dwarka Sec-7, Delhi is the best dental clinic in Dwarka having the best pediatric dentist, orthodontist, and Implantologist.

The dentist here carries the expertise in addressing all types of children-related dental issues and providing comprehensive treatment.

We offer a wide range of orthodontic treatments with advanced technology.

A one-stop solution for all dental-related issues. Give your child the best dental care.



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